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Push clutch vs pull clutch, what’s the difference?

The clutch pressure plate differentiates between push and pull type, how do you differentiate them?

The following is a brief introduction: push clutch pressure plates and pull clutch pressure plates mainly refer to the working direction and working form of the clutch diaphragm, which is also the direction of separation when the diaphragm is pressed against the spring in the clutch. In terms of appearance and structure.

The pull type clutch pressure plate requires the clutch release sleeve to be installed again when the clutch pressure plate is separated, so that as soon as the engine is working, the clutch release bearing will rotate together with the clutch, so that the structure is a straight radial structure.
The radial release centre is machined into an arched platform in order to provide a platform to work together with the bearing, which is the biggest difference in appearance between the two types of clutch pressure plate.
In addition, the push clutch release diaphragm spring is resilient to the pushing force, whereas the pull clutch diaphragm spring is mounted in the opposite direction to the conventional push clutch construction. This moves the support point near one of the extremes of the poppet. When combined with the clutch, the end of the spring plate is supported on the clutch cover and the middle presses against the pressure plate, at which point the release bearing pulls outwards on the clutch separator wheel, allowing the clutch to be disengaged.

For more information, welcome to contact Cindy by Wechat and WhatsApp: 8618122032097

RSMFG – Guangzhou Ruisheng Machinery Co.,Ltd is your trusted bus parts and truck parts supplier from China over 20 years.

Site: https://www.ruishengmfg.com ; Mail: cindyruisheng@163.com


Post time: Mar-01-2023